
Whenever a comment is added to Gather, we’ll analyse it for you using Natural Language Processing (NLP).

This will generate a score for 4 categories:

We use these scores to group and identify comments by these headings.

Like all automated processes, sometimes mistakes can be made. Survey comments can be quite nuanced, and include things like sarcasm or local phrases that may be scored incorrectly.

If you notice a comment being scored incorrectly, you can correct it with one click. Here’s how:

When viewing a comment, you’ll notice there are some buttons along the side.

Clicking this button will open the full response, including all the answers to other questions.

This button enables you to quickly respond and create a ‘You said, we did’

This is a quick and easy way to record any actions or outcomes, and will pull your response into wider reports and posters for display.

This button will allow you to review and update this comments theme. Here’s how:

On clicking the button, it’ll take you to this page:

Simply select your changes, and click ‘Submit’

Once submitted, your update will be applied - either instantly or following a review by a member of your team.

When changes are made, you’ll receive an email update on progress and the outcome.