Creating an Action Plan

Click on the "Action" icon on the main menu and you will be brought to the "new action" page:

  1. Give a description of the action, eg. Improve hand hygiene audit scores by.. (SMART Actions - Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-Bound).
  1. Choose the area that this action relates to (the drop-down list will gives a list of the different departments within the organisation).
  1. Include the key milestones to be achieved in order to complete the task. There is a checklist functionality available if there are multiple milestones within the action.
  1. Choose the relevant priority level ( low / moderate / high/ extreme ).
  1. Status: This should be updated regularly (On track / Off track with actions to deliver / Overdue / Cancelled / Complete) "Complete" is only available as a status once details on the outcome are included.
  1. Target date : This is the date that you are aiming to complete the action by.
  1. RACI Roles: Use the RACI approach to assign roles to this action. Select a user/multiple users emails from each of the dropdowns to allocate their roles as either Responsible / Accountable / Consulted / Informed. Click here to learn more about the RACI approach.
  1. Include any extra comments / narrative to give more details on the action plan.
  1. Use the "Outcome" section when the Action is complete.
  1. Save to generate the action plan.