Editing projects

To edit a project, go to the projects page, then click on the "action" button and select "edit".

Within this section you can edit various aspects of the project including:

  • The departments / areas that the project is available to
  • The name of the project
  • The title of the project
  • The introduction
  • The type of project 
  • The closing message
  • The name of the person who requested the project
  • Add a new question

The 3 action icons in the top right-hand corner allow you to translate, archive, or delete the project.

New questions can be added and existing questions edited in this section. To edit a question, click on the question.

Editing Questions

Click on the question that you would like to edit:

From here, you can:

To edit an answer option or how it behaves, click on that answer to go to the answer editing tool.

Editing Answers

This example illustrates the screen after clicking on the “yes” answer option.

From here, you can edit:

Make sure to select the "Save" button after making edits, whether you are on the answer editing page, the question editing page, or the project editing page.