Viewing Campaign Results

All campaigns, whether they are web, email or SMS based, offer real time data analysis.

A summary of the campaign results can be found on the campaign homepages. Each will be slightly different dependent on the type of campaign and the type of charts chosen when setting up the campaign.

Click the orange filter to have a closer look at the data and to filter the data by date and area.

Download the chart by pressing the download icon above it, or download the data itself into a spreadsheet or pdf. Charts and data can then be copied onto posters or presentations.

Here are some examples of the type of charts / results available and their associated options.

SMS/Email Campaign Results with Line Chart:

Web Campaign Results with Pie Chart:

The campaign landing page shows a summary of the campaign links and their individual interaction rates.

To view the campaign data in the form of a pie chart click on the blue heading, in this case “Maternity FFT Survey”

Here the results can be viewed and filtered in more detail, saved as a spreadsheet / pdf.

Word clouds can also be created where relevant by clicking on the red/green/blue cloud icons in the bottom right hand corner. The red cloud creates a word cloud with the negative comments, the green one with the positive, and the blue one with all the comments such as the example below.