Creating a Dashboard

To create a new dashboard click on the "create dashboard" button on the main menu.

  1. First, give the dashboard a name.
  1. Give the dashboard an introduction. This will appear at the top of the dashboard and should summarise what the dashboard is representing.
  1. Choose from a panel dashboard (visual charts) or a table dashboard (table layout). To see examples of both of these and their associated benefits see viewing a dashboard.
  1. Select the time period that the dashboard will display. The time period on the dashboard can be filtered to smaller periods using the filter functionality when viewing the dashboard.
  1. Filter the dashboard to include/exclude any specific areas.
  1. Next, select the metrics to be added to the dashboard from the dropdown list. If there are additional metrics to be created and added at this point, this can be done through the "create a new metric" button. More information on creating metrics can be found here.

Once you are happy with this section hit save.

You will then be brought to a second window that is specific to whether you have chosen a panel or a table dashboard. This gives more options on how the panel/table will be presented.

1. Panel Dashboard personalisation:

Confirm the order of the metrics, the size of the text and the type of chart (dial, pie, line, etc.). Additional metrics can also be added and new metrics created if required.

2. Table Dashboard personalisation:

Confirm the order of the metrics and whether or not you would like each metric to show "breakdown" and "indicators". ”Show breakdown” is to show the numerator and denominator for this metric. “Show indicator” is to show an arrow if the data is going up or down.

Press the save button and  view your new dashboard.