Viewing a Dashboard

There are 2 types of dashboard: A visual dashboard (or panel dashboard) and a table dashboard.

A visual/panel dashboard uses charts to illustrate the key data. It presents the data in a visual manner and is great for printing high quality impactful posters.

A table dashboard uses a table format. It allows you to drill down into the data, compare it easily against targets and generate statistical process control charts (SPC charts).

Viewing a Table Dashboard

Below is an example of a table dashboard reporting on training. It shows the metric in the first column and results for the relevant filtered dates.

The colour of the cells illustrate how the results rank in terms of the pre-established red/amber/green targets. The progress column shows whether the results are improving over time or not.

Clicking on a progress chart allows you to view the statistical process control chart (SPC chart) and how your results fall within the targets set in more detail.

Clicking on any metric will allow you to go back in and edit that metric.

Viewing a Panel Dashboard

Panel dashboards present the data in a visual manner. All data is in real time and interactive. Hover over the charts for more detail and click on different areas to be brought to a more detailed chart on that metric.

For example, by clicking on the “positive response” metric we can deep dive into the positive result details and see a line chart illustrating these positive responses and how they have changed over time. We can also analyse if the results fall within the targets set.

Dashboards can be expanded, printed, edited or deleted at any time through the icons in the top right hand corner:

The blue “i” button gives an interactive how to guide on how to use the dashboard page if additional support is needed.